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<a href='http://tw.rd.yahoo.com/referurl/news/rss/politics/*http%3A//tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/110331/5/2p0wh.html'>綠營:總統立委併選 政治算計 (中央社)</a>


綠營:總統立委併選 政治算計 (中央社)
31 Mar 2011, 7:00 am

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<a href='http://tw.rd.yahoo.com/referurl/news/rss/politics/*http%3A//tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/110331/5/2p0y4.html'>中選會:選舉都有首投族問題 (中央社)</a>


中選會:選舉都有首投族問題 (中央社)
31 Mar 2011, 7:23 am

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<a href='http://tw.rd.yahoo.com/referurl/news/rss/politics/*http%3A//tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/110331/69/2p0xi.html'>衛生署肥貓! 陳炯松公關費180萬 (華視)</a>


衛生署肥貓! 陳炯松公關費180萬 (華視)
31 Mar 2011, 7:36 am

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<a href='http://tw.rd.yahoo.com/referurl/news/rss/politics/*http%3A//tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/110331/5/2p0yu.html'>總統職務交接 藍委推動立法 (中央社)</a>


總統職務交接 藍委推動立法 (中央社)
31 Mar 2011, 7:39 am

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<a href='http://tw.rd.yahoo.com/referurl/news/rss/politics/*http%3A//tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/110331/5/2p0zr.html'>許信良:公文案若涉法律應坦蕩 (中央社)</a>


許信良:公文案若涉法律應坦蕩 (中央社)
31 Mar 2011, 7:42 am

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<a href='http://tw.rd.yahoo.com/referurl/news/rss/politics/*http%3A//tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/110331/5/2p10u.html'>立院初審 後座強制繫安全帶 (中央社)</a>


立院初審 後座強制繫安全帶 (中央社)
31 Mar 2011, 7:52 am

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<a href='http://tw.rd.yahoo.com/referurl/news/rss/politics/*http%3A//tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/110331/11/2p103.html'>台灣斷層約百里 難有9.0震 (民視)</a>


台灣斷層約百里 難有9.0震 (民視)
31 Mar 2011, 8:01 am

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